The Token Saving System To Change Children’s Behavior

The Token Saving System to Change Children's Behavior

An effective method for educating our children is the token saving system. We will tell you what it consists of and how to put this system into practice.

The token saving system is a strategy recommended by psychologists to encourage changes in children’s behavior. In educational centers, teachers use it frequently to generate appropriate behaviors and eliminate negative ones. When used well, it can become a very effective technique.

It is a reward system whose psychological basis is positive reinforcement.  When the child has a desirable behavior that he is working hard on, he earns points. She will then be able to exchange these points for prizes.

How to use the token saving system

This token saving technique aims to encourage and establish desirable behaviors. These are actions that the child is reluctant to take naturally.

The token saving system is often useful to stimulate interest in certain activities that are not attractive to the child. It also serves to control socially inappropriate behaviors. The system leads the child to associate the behavior he/she should acquire with something positive.

token saving system

How to apply the token saving system?

1.- Preparation

First, you need to plan the system. Materials must be prepared as the system must be visible. The child is materialistic by nature and needs to be able to see his evolution.

The sheets will be chosen and prepared. For younger children, stars, faces or stickers are very interesting. For the older ones, vouchers or dots printed on paper or made of cardboard can be used, for example.

A chart should also be prepared in which the child’s progress will be recorded. The chips won, lost or exchanged on the table must show the evolution. The days of the week must be placed in the column. This table must be placed in a visible place in the house and must be well controlled.

2.- Reward

A reward must be established that will be given when the child manages to accumulate a certain number of tokens previously agreed upon. It should be something the child really likes: a toy they want, a ride to the amusement park, going out for a hamburger, etc. The important thing is that it is a really motivating reward for her.

3.- Basic definitions

Some basic definitions should be explained to the child: indicators of the behavior that one wants to favor and conditions for exchanging tokens for rewards. It is necessary to define specific conducts.

When setting up the system, the child’s age must be considered. For the younger ones, you should establish a smaller number of chips, because if the goal is long term, they will lose interest. For older children, the number of tokens to be exchanged for rewards should be higher.

Conditions that must be considered when creating a token saving system

  • Focus on the positive. Sometimes you make the mistake of putting in the table the negative behaviors you want to change. For example, “don’t leave everything messy in the bedroom”. It is much more efficient to choose positive behaviors that are incompatible with negative ones: for example, “keep the room tidy”.
  • Desiring possible behaviors. It is important to plan for possible and realistic changes. There are behavior changes that are impossible to carry out overnight. One example is the elimination of tantrums. If a child has 5 or 6 tantrums a day, it will be impossible to eliminate them all at once. She will fail it will cause frustration.

    token saving system

    A better way would be to propose reducing the number of tantrums. When the child manages to reduce, the next step would be to propose the definitive elimination of this behavior.

    • Keep the system constant. Once the token saving system is in place, you need to be constant. Otherwise, it won’t work. This is a parent’s mission.
    • Establish rewards compatible with changes. Choice of rewards will be agreed between parent and child. If the child really wants the reward, he will strive to get it. Big rewards will require big changes.
    • Have the child participate in the preparation of the system. She can help make the table, choose the formats and design the cards. This will encourage involvement and the child will participate in the system from the beginning.

      A token saving system cannot last forever. As the child achieves the expected change, the system should be gradually withdrawn, either increasing the chips needed for the reward or combining two behaviors, for example.

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