Tips To Help Deal With The Fear Of Childbirth

Tips to help deal with the fear of childbirth

In many cases, fear of childbirth produces such a high level of anxiety that it can have negative consequences for women. Simply being aware of this fact cannot always stop it from happening. Many women can’t help it, especially when it comes to first-time moms.

As the birth date approaches, it is normal to feel a certain level of distress. Being afraid of the unknown is normal. The problem arises when this situation reaches a disproportionate size and the woman feels a real dread.

Externalizing this feeling of anguish talking to someone is one of the solutions to face the fear of childbirth. It is also important to be properly informed about what happens during childbirth. In this way, mistaken or preconceived ideas that can cause even more difficulties are avoided.

the false alarm


One of the most common fears for many women as childbirth approaches is that of false alarms. What happens if you go to the hospital and it’s a false alarm? Well, nothing happens. No health care provider will blame a pregnant woman for thinking it’s time for delivery. In fact, on the contrary. When a woman has symptoms and discomfort that could indicate the beginning of labor, what she should do is go to the hospital.

Woman giving birth, facing the fear of childbirth

The knowledge and confidence

Experts advise that the pregnant woman and her partner visit the maternity facilities of the hospital of their choice. There they will be able to see what the emergency area is like, the delivery rooms, the pediatrics area, etc. In addition, they will also be able to meet the team responsible for the delivery. With this it is possible to reduce anxiety and gain more confidence.

If the fear of childbirth is very intense, it can seriously affect a woman’s body. It causes muscle tension and other physiological reactions such as palpitations, sweating, etc. To avoid these symptoms, a woman can seek natural remedies and do meditation.

As the fear of childbirth lessens, the body becomes better prepared, the uterus will return to normal functioning, and the pain will significantly lessen.

Tips to Overcome Fear of Childbirth

As we have seen, it is essential to be well informed, especially about what is related to the moment of birth. Do not hesitate to ask the doctor any questions that may arise.

  • From the beginning of the pregnancy, it is very important to attend childbirth preparation courses. This type of course has many benefits, including helping to understand that pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes. So there is nothing to fear. The woman will learn to relax and breathe properly, thus reducing the fear of childbirth.
  • There are different relaxation techniques that help alleviate the anxiety state. Furthermore, these techniques are also useful for controlling negative emotions.
  • Listening to other women’s experiences can help you cope with your fear of childbirth. But don’t forget that every person is different, just like every pregnancy. What you should avoid is listening to birth stories with bad experiences. That won’t do you any good.
  • Partner support is also essential. The father plays a key role during pregnancy. Sharing your fears with him will help you vent and see things from a different perspective.
  • When the fear of childbirth is so intense that it affects your rest or your daily activities, it is advisable to talk to your doctor. It is possible that he will indicate other health services that provide more specific help, such as a psychologist.

    pregnant woman with her partner is easier to face the fear of childbirth

    Physical and mental preparation

    There is no reason to be pessimistic. Exams, ultrasounds and prenatal diagnosis are done exactly to ensure that everything is fine. Do not forget that problems that occur during childbirth are very rare, not reaching 3% of cases.

    Women with negative thoughts can have a more painful birth. Thinking positively, the body releases more oxytocin, a hormone that helps relieve pain.

    In addition, of course, it is also important that you prepare physically for giving birth. Physical preparation includes working with the muscles of the legs and glutes.

    Premature delivery

    Even if the delivery is early, there is nothing to fear. It is necessary to have complete trust in the professionals who are working with you. This type of situation requires calm and serenity especially on the part of the mother.

    If you have a premature birth, it is advisable to try not to be distressed and to avoid despair. The doctor will do everything in his power to provide the best for both mother and baby. There are several options such as administering oxytocin to produce contractions, performing a cesarean, etc.

    Once the baby is born, it is important that he receives the best care. He will need to stay in the incubator for a while to avoid taking risks. While it is not easy to leave the baby in the hospital, parents and family must understand that the child will be in the best place and in the best hands.

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