To Be A Good Mom, I Need To Change

The feelings of an expectant mother can be very varied. In most cases, we may not feel prepared. So we ended up wanting to change a lot of things before our baby arrived.
To be a good mother I need to change

Read these feelings reported by a mother, perhaps you have felt this way at one time.

Since I met your father, my life has changed. Although I must admit my life started to change a little bit before we got together. This transformation process helped me find the man I love. With this man, I’m starting a family and he’s the one who’s going to turn my ardent desire to be a mommy, your mommy, into reality.

I admit that I want, like most women on the planet, to be a mother. I want to have my child in my arms and love him like no one else in this world. I dream of breastfeeding, bathing, kissing my child, watching how he sleeps, seeing his smile every morning and even drying my little one’s tears with my kisses.

I want to be a mother, but not only that. I wish to be the best mother in the world, the best mother to my child. I want to be a mother who can guide her child with enough clarity, good humor and affection. A mother who can make her child develop all the potential so she can learn the meaning and real value of freedom, beauty, honest work, a sincere smile, honesty, family time, time for yourself and true love.

I want my son, in addition to being exemplary, to be happy. And each day, by leaps and bounds, I understand that we human beings learn more from example than from words. So my reflections motivate me to become a good example. That’s why now. more than ever, I know that to be a good mother, I have to change.

good mother

To be a better person you need to change

Honestly, I think I’m a good person. But my sincerity also allows me to see that I am full of flaws and that I need to improve . I am convinced that every day we have the opportunity to improve as human beings, to correct our flaws, so that we can transform ourselves into the people we desire and which is still under construction.

One of the best lessons I learned is that life is synonymous with change. Circumstances will always change, and the world itself is constantly changing. We too must live like this because otherwise changes will drag us with their force even when we don’t want to.

The best change process is one that we practice consciously. It is the one that we provoke and we carry out little by little, at our own pace and with joy.

I am convinced that I must cultivate my virtues, such as sweetness and delicacy. I fear that over time I have lost a little of both, due to the intense contact I have with this world dominated by fiercely competing men and women in the job market, which I have entered since I graduated with great success, but which has made me a little dry.

Otherwise, I would not have been able to leave so many people behind to continue climbing and advancing in my work. But now, now that I’m starting a family and that the desire to be a mother, and not just a mother, but an excellent mother, has surfaced more than ever in me, I think again and I find hundreds of aspects that I still need to mold.

good mother

I’m preparing a home to receive you

I feel that your father has brought to mind thousands of aspects that I had forgotten about. Even though his love makes the tenderness reappear, I also realize that I lack firmness in several aspects . Firmness need not, and should not, be brusque. She can be sweet and kind.

I have a lot of lessons to learn and I also feel that I have a lot to teach you, my son . I’m remembering thousands of sweet moments to always have a smile to give you and I’m also rethinking my personality so that you see me as a mother full of virtues. I am a woman who is in the process of transformation, a woman who is getting ready to hold you in her arms.

I prepare to receive you in the home you deserve because I am convinced that souls choose those who will be their parents at birth. The more loving the homes and the more desirable the children, the higher the souls that will incarnate in the babies to come.

I read this in a book and I believe this statement faithfully. Just as I believe that life is synonymous with change. Therefore, my son, before your arrival, I become a better woman to, as a result, be the best mother for you and to accompany you in this learning process that is called life.

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