Ways To Bond With Your Baby

The baby, despite being protected in the womb, awakens first to the sensations provided by the mother’s body and, later, by the outside.
Ways to bond with your baby

At birth, the baby knows very well what he likes and what he doesn’t like, moves, cries, laughs and gets scared in response to stimuli. That’s why this step gives you the option to bond with your baby.

We will then give you 5 ideas on how you can accomplish this task. Some will be familiar to you, and you’ve already done it. However, you can learn other techniques that you never imagined and that will be important for you to bond with your baby.

1. Chat and sing

Talk and sing with your child. Babies love to hear sweet voices and songs with a beautiful melody, like classical music. You can try to make up little melodies and recite them through intonations with your voice.

Have confidence, tell your baby the news of your day and family routines. Describe to him what you are doing and what you want to do. In this activity, it is not good for you to convey negative emotions to your child.

You can comment on a problem, but be optimistic and always convey good feelings whenever you speak.

2. Contact and caresses help you bond with your baby

join your baby

The newborn needs to be cuddled and to feel well physically protected to be safe. Realize that it has gone from a warm, well-fed and comfortable space in the mother’s womb to the outside.

Before, he didn’t have to draw attention to his needs, nor did he have to struggle to get what he needed to grow.

Furthermore, he was not cold, hungry or afraid to be alone. So, do lots of petting and pampering: make him feel loved.

Some doctors recommend kissing your feet, for example, or giving light massages that build attachment, soothe irritability, relax the little one, and boost self-confidence.

3. Look at your baby while breastfeeding

Feeding him and looking him in the eye for a long time creates a great intimacy that, together with the warmth of being in your lap completely protected, develops the baby’s sense of identity.

When you switch him around so that he consumes milk from both breasts, it offers a different view of the environment. This will increase the development of both sides of your brain and your body.

4. Be there when the baby wakes up

This is not to say that you will have to set an alarm so that you both wake up at the same time and be present.

If you already know what time your child wakes up after a nap, you may be in the habit of approaching a few minutes early and welcoming him into your arms.

This is very beneficial because, in this way, you prevent the child from waking up crying and afraid. He will know you are close to alleviate any negative feelings.

5. Learn baby signals and respond quickly

join your baby

Every baby is unique and has its own signs, but most are universal. Over time, you’ll learn what sound your child makes when he’s hungry, when he’s scared, needs a diaper change, or wants to sleep.

It is important that you learn this so that you can act quickly on your needs if you want to bond with your baby.

You know when your best friend is down, your partner’s favorite food, or when someone you know feels uncomfortable. It’s the same with your child.

Responding to these signals without letting too much time pass will build confidence and a sense of security, leading to reducing and eliminating anxiety and stress.

Take steps to bond with your baby

As in any relationship, the basis for strengthening affective bonds is finding common ground.

With newborns, these bonds start on a more physical level, especially in the first few days of birth, and are strengthened over time.

Before birth, there is an emotional connection linked to physical and psychological aspects. Parents should reinforce this connection for the child’s mental and emotional well-being throughout their growth.

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