We Sometimes Realize That We Don’t Treat Our Child Well

We sometimes realize that we don't treat our child well.

Sometimes a “Shut up!” or a “You just fill my patience!”. Words that escape us in a scream and that immediately tear our soul to pieces. Because we know we didn’t act correctly, that nerves won out over patience…

No one is immune from mistakes in raising and educating a child. Supermom and Superdad don’t exist. Fathers and mothers are just people who occasionally talk and do what they shouldn’t. Sometimes it happens out of sheer tiredness, stress or the inexperience of the first few years.

We shouldn’t blame ourselves for that. The moment we realize that we are not treating our son or daughter correctly, there is only one solution left: to ask for forgiveness and correct our mistake. Clean up the mess, remedy the crying, and put a bandage on the child’s heart, showing him that sometimes Mom and Dad make mistakes too.

We propose that you reflect on this in “I’m a Mommy” . We are sure this article will help you.

Those moments when we don’t act “very well”

It is often said in upbringing that we try first of all to avoid making the same mistakes our parents made with us. We want every detail to be perfect. May our sons and daughters get what we didn’t get, let them get what we didn’t get.

This is all very commendable. However, you need to be aware of one thing. Educating is not obsessing about what we “want”. But with what the child needs. Every day with them is new, and it’s a challenge. They will become inquisitive, curious, insistent and even defiant.

It’s normal sometimes to make mistakes with them. Nobody has the perfect education manual. However, there are main axes that we cannot neglect.


What your child needs is PATIENCE

If you don’t have the patience, reconsider whether you really want children. Because nothing in this world will demand more affection, consideration, empathy, love and tolerance from you than a child. You don’t learn patience from a book. Either you have patience or you don’t.

  • Mothers and fathers who do not have a patient attitude become too demanding.
  • Excessive demands make room for stress and personal insecurity in children. It is necessary to take into account that each being has its own rhythm of maturation, its time and its needs. If we demand things that we simply cannot give, we will further frustrate your growth.

    When you don’t do something right, your child will demonstrate with the look

    You’ll notice right away. The emotional impact of a child when he feels uncared for, when he hears screams, or feels disillusioned, is marked in his expression.

    • As a good mother you are, you’ll be able to see right away. That intimate, solid bond that binds them together is what makes you realize you didn’t do the right thing. That you failed. That the nerves of the moment won out, or that the strategy you applied wasn’t the right one.
    • Sometimes we do things thinking it’s for the good of the kids. However, we gradually realized that this is not exactly the case. If your child is afraid of the dark, there’s no need to joke that he’s too old for such nonsense. If he pees at night, you don’t need to berate him.

      All of these are small examples of these failures that we, fathers and mothers, commit unintentionally.


      The importance of asking our children for forgiveness

      We teach our children to say good morning, say thanks, and ask for forgiveness when they should. But do you perhaps think that we adults also have no obligation to ask our children for forgiveness when we make mistakes? We do have.

      We adults must ask for forgiveness when we don’t do the right thing. It is an obligation and a right to our children. This will not make us more susceptible to error with our children, it will make us “people”, mothers and fathers who put their children’s well-being first to make them see that we love them. And that each day we want to become better people for them.

      Now take into account all these aspects where we fail from time to time. Behaviors and mistakes that are common in child rearing and education.

      • You don’t act correctly when you promise something and don’t deliver.
      • He disappoints his children when he doesn’t serve as a model for what he preaches.
      • You don’t act correctly when you scream.
      • Never compare your child to other children.
      • Never ridicule, correct, or criticize your child in public.
      • Don’t say that your child is slow, that “he can’t” or that “he doesn’t know.” Teach yourself so he can.
      • Never say “you are filling my patience”. It’s best to say something simple like “Mommy is busy right now, wait a moment and I’ll be right there with you”.
      • You will not act correctly when you fail to answer just one of his questions. It doesn’t matter how many they are, whether they are strange or meaningless. For your child, your opinion counts and that’s what he needs: for you to be a guide. A voice for all doubts…


        Be patient and don’t blame yourself for making mistakes from time to time. The important thing is that each day you strive to do better.

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