Weight Loss In Newborns

As soon as babies come out of the mother’s womb, they are weighed and measured to have a reference to how they develop over time.
Weight Loss in Newborns

After birth, sometimes newborns do not gain the weight we expect, on the contrary, there is weight loss. When you hear the news that your little one has lost weight, you will certainly feel that you are doing something wrong or you will think that he may be sick.

But we would like to say that this phenomenon that happens to most little ones is absolutely normal and you have nothing to worry about

Weight loss is part of this growth phase and pediatricians should be very attentive to this. Never think that breast milk is not enough or that your child is malnourished.

Well… then when should you worry about this question? If you notice that there is no weight gain or that your baby continues to lose weight, your doctor should be aware of this situation as soon as possible to prevent your little one from having other complications that affect their health.

Why do newborns lose weight?

If you feed your baby exclusively on breast milk whenever he wants, you may think that your little one doesn’t go through with it. However, we’ve compiled a list of reasons why these little angels can lose weight at birth:

  • Expulsion of meconium. Several hours after birth, babies evacuate for the first time, a phenomenon known as meconium. This substance is the result of all the elements he ingested while in his belly and weighs approximately 90 grams.
  • Urine. As with adults, newborns lose fluid and weight when they pee.
  • Small portions of food. At first, they don’t eat as much food as they did through the umbilical cord. Their stomach is small and will only ask for what they need. Also, your body has yet to adapt to this new way of eating.

    Babies also burn calories just by being alive, when they sleep or move. Therefore, it is normal for the total weight to be influenced.

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    A complex question: How much weight do newborns lose?

    To date, there is no accurate information on exactly how many grams a baby loses at birth . Some may lose a little and others tend to lose more. So, although there is no precise percentage, it is possible to talk only about probability ranges.

    Generally, experts say that it is normal for a baby to lose between 5% and 7% of initial weight, with a maximum limit of 10%. If this limit is exceeded, an urgent solution must be found as the child’s health is at risk and the consequences can be lethal.

    What to do if the baby gains little weight?

    This kind of situation does not happen to all children . But if your baby does, it is recommended that you seek professional help to detect possible causes.

    A breastfeeding specialist can become your best ally if you have difficulty breastfeeding. At the same time, he is also a professional who can correct possible bad suction or give advice if you have problems with milk production.

    Seek professional help to recognize the possible cause of your baby’s weight loss

    And if it turns out that the baby isn’t eating well, it ‘s essential to distinguish the cause and rule out any infections, such as from urine, which usually consume the most calories and prevent weight gain.

    Possible Weight Loss Solutions

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    If the root of the problem is the way you are giving breast milk or any other breastfeeding-related issue, check out these tips below:

    • Offer the breast even if the baby doesn’t cry.
    • Sleep on his side to motivate him to nurse through the night
    • If you see your baby falling asleep while nursing, touch his feet or face to keep him feeding.
    • Check how often you urinate. The minimum must be six times.
    • Extract milk from your breasts and give it to the baby using a syringe (no needle!)

    We know it’s not easy to hear that our child doesn’t gain enough weight. But trust your pediatrician’s voice and follow his advice. Follow your instincts and make sure everything will be fine.

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