Why Is It Important To Use Non-verbal Language With Children?

Non-verbal language is the first that human beings use to express themselves. Hence the importance of promoting it in a positive way so that, in the future, it helps to develop speech and, therefore, good communication.
Why is it important to use nonverbal language with children?

Communicating is not just about using words. In fact, it also involves the development of body language (both conscious and unconscious). And although it may not seem like it, it is important to take care of non-verbal language from an early age to achieve good communication, in all areas of life.

It is necessary to remember that during the first years of life, human beings do not communicate with words, but through gestures, postures and facial expressions.

Therefore, when we have babies or young children, it is important to know how to use this language in such a way that it can benefit the development of the little ones, as well as strengthen the family bond.

What is non-verbal communication?

Non-verbal communication consists of gestures, facial expressions and also certain types of sounds, such as cries and screams. In infants, it is a form of primitive communication that helps to express restlessness or discomfort. In other words, it ‘s a product of instinct and is triggered by some basic need.

Naturally, it develops from the first moments of life and is perfected over the years.

This process can be evidenced by a very simple fact: as the baby grows and becomes aware of the effectiveness of its crying when it is hungry, for example, it will learn to accompany the crying with certain types of gestures (such as pouting ) to get what you want.

O que é a comunicação não verbal

Why promote this language at home?

It is important to use nonverbal language with infants and young children to help them empathize and understand information. What information? For example, that they are loved and that they are safe with their parents. But how is it possible to express this without words? Through a hug while they are on your lap, for example.

Using nonverbal language with babies stimulates the emotional aspect and makes them feel motivated enough to try to connect with the people around them. Over time, your baby will try to imitate people’s speech and communicate through words.

Opening your mouth to ask for food is a very common gesture for babies and it communicates without the need for words. In this way, parents are able to know that the baby is hungry and that it is convenient to feed him.

Many parents encourage their children to smile when they do something funny so that babies can learn to express joy whenever they spot a funny face or feel a tickle.

How to stimulate the development of non-verbal language?

One way to encourage non-verbal language is to maintain eye contact with the baby and try to create a ‘mirror effect’. To do this, you only need to stand in front of the baby for a while so that he focuses his attention on you, keeps his eyes and mimics your gestures.

Of course, as long as this action is repeated regularly, the non-verbal language is more likely to be successfully developed. The simplest is to try to make him smile at the same time we are smiling or when the little one receives certain stimuli, such as a caress on the soles of the feet or when we show a certain toy.

Likewise, to develop the sensory capacity of the little ones, you must use different rhythms and tones of voice from different places: from near, far, from the front and from the side.

A importância de usar a linguagem não verbal com as crianças

The importance of using non-verbal language with children

It is important to use nonverbal language with children to help them express their needs, feelings, sensations, and also moods, both within and outside the household.

In this way, they will be able to interact with their parents in a much more intimate and more efficient way. For example, when communicating with a gesture that they have a headache, parents can already intuit what might be the best solution for this.

Certainly non-verbal communication will help to follow the words or know how to express yourself without them when necessary. In fact, it is a learning experience that will be very useful throughout life in many situations.

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