You Are The Most Beautiful Child In The World

you are the most beautiful child in the world

When I knew you would come my heart did not fit in my chest with so much emotion. Your dad and I ran to tell your grandparents the news, who like us have started to love you ever since. My pregnancy was a really sweet wait. It was nine months full of beautiful feelings. But none of them compare to what I felt when I first saw him. At that moment I knew you are the most beautiful child in the world.

I took extreme care in managing my pregnancy. I could see your little face through the ultrasound when you were still inside my belly. However, nothing compares to our first meeting.

When I took you in my arms and saw your pretty face, I cried, laughed, kissed you a thousand times… I was crazy with love for you. I couldn’t believe you were here with us. It was amazing that I could feel her warm little body, her skin so soft, her scent so adorable. I think it was the best day of my life!

I remember running all over her delicate little body with my eyes and hands. He counted his little fingers and toes. Checked and made sure every moment that you were okay. I looked at you and got lost in your shy, sensitive smile that gently formed while you slept.

I had never seen such a sweet face, nor such pretty eyes. Even her crying sounded poignant. And I say it again, your baby smell killed me. It can’t even compare to the best perfume in the world!

You changed my world and my concepts

Since you were born my priorities have changed. From that moment on, the most important thing in my life is you and only you, my beautiful son. I feel able to move heaven and earth if you need to. There’s nothing I couldn’t do for you. You gave me the strength to overcome any obstacle, any challenge, any trace of fatigue.

I know all mothers feel that their own child is the most beautiful child in the world. I feel it too, I can’t help it. But the fact that I think you are the most beautiful child on the face of the earth is not about your physical appearance. You are beautiful for who you are. For being my son.

And when I say you changed my whole world I’m not exaggerating. It is more than that. I can even say that you transformed my concept of love and also my conception of what is beautiful. Beyond your physical beauty, you are beautiful because you are alive, because you are a healthy child, because every day you take advantage of all the possibilities to learn something new.

You are beautiful because you cling to life in every heartbeat. Your every in-breath and out-breath gives me the strength to get up every day and do whatever it takes to develop to my full potential.

“There is only one beautiful child in the world and every mother has her.”

-José Martí, Latin American leader

beautiful is what i feel for you

Beautiful are the feelings you are able to awaken in me. I had never felt this surrender before, such generosity, such passion, such tenderness, holy peace, and not so much detachment. Since you came into my life, my wishes are not to meet my needs, they are to ensure your well-being. I became a better person because of you. I think this is also another way of conceiving the word “beautiful”.

And now our future is also very beautiful because your presence in our lives has that consequence. Every day is worth it because you exist. Although we may have an extremely difficult day, that bitter taste that can leave battles out of the house will be erased just by hearing your voice or seeing your little face.

Its revolutionary presence also influenced the house, which went from being a very tidy and clean apartment to becoming chaos.

And the truth is, the order of the decorations we used to have on the table is now insignificant. Now the house is quite messed up and there is no longer the rigor we used to brag about. In fact, it’s even better now. The wax statues that once filled the spaces of the house were replaced by baby bottles, diapers, clothes, blankets and toys that remind us all the time that the most beautiful child in the world lives within these walls: you.

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